Dr Catherine Peterson provides specialised care in restorative reproductive medicine to manage all aspects or reproductive health including fertility, menstrual and hormonal disorders. She provides natural family planning services, and antenatal shared care. She is an accredited FertilityCare Medical Consultant using the science of NaProTECHNOLOGY™ to assist couples with infertility to conceive naturally, or to support pregnancies at risk of miscarriage. She has completed Reproductive Health Research Institute (RHRI) FEMM™ Medical Management training courses which address the diagnosis and restoration of hormonal abnormalities found in gynaecological conditions including infertility, PCOS, irregular periods, abnormal menstrual bleeding, PMS and more. She can assist women wanting fertility education to avoid pregnancy, but does not prescribe hormonal contraception.
Dr. Elvis Sěman
Dr Elvis has recently retired from clinical practice.
Dr Antonia Turnbull
Graduated from Adelaide University 1975 after working in the hospital system Dr Turnbull joined the psychiatric training scheme for two years, then moved to PNG as an Australian Volunteer, working in the area of Obstetrics, Paediatrics and General Medicine. On returning to Adelaide in 1981, she has been working in general practice, and for the last fifteen years also as a tutor at Adelaide Medical School in Problem Based Learning and Clinical Skills.
Over the past twenty years Dr Turnbull has maintained an interest in geriatric medicine caring for Nursing Home patients and started studying nutritional and environmental medicine.
During 2015 she commenced postgraduate study in Infertility using NaProTechnology and also started using raw genetic data to obtain a patient’s unique biochemical pathway together with epigenetic influences. This has especially been useful for infertility, fatigue and mood disorders. She continues to work in the areas of chronic illness, infertility and mental health.
Alison Fleming
Alison provides education services and support to couples and individuals in the Creighton Model FertilityCare System and the Sympto-Thermal Method.
Alison has a Diploma of Teaching from Flinders University, South Australia. She worked as a primary school classroom teacher in London from 1977 to 1978 and as an instrumental music teacher in Adelaide, South Australia from 1990 to 2004.
She trained as a Breastfeeding Counsellor with the Nursing Mothers’ Association of Australia and qualified in 1985 when her third baby was born. She worked as a volunteer Counsellor, Community Educator, and Group Leader with this organisation for 6 years.
In 1989 Alison trained to be a Fertility Educator in Adelaide where she worked at Natural Fertility Services teaching the Sympto-Thermal Method of Natural Family Planning (STM) until 1994.
Alison worked for Natural Fertility Services Sydney from 2006 until 2011 when she moved back to Adelaide. Since then she has been offering fertility education and support to clients wishing to achieve/avoid or delay pregnancies and is President of the “Australian Council of Natural Family Planning” which is the peak body in Australia for the training and accreditation of STM Educators.
In 2016 Alison trained as a FertilityCare Practitioner in the Creighton Model System of FertilityCare . She worked at the Fertility Fundamentals Clinic with Drs Peterson, Turnbull and Seman and now works with patients online and via teleconferencing.
Alison is married with 3 adult daughters, two grandsons and one granddaughter.
Lucia Snelling
Lucia Snelling is a Senior Billings Ovulation Method® teacher with over 20 years of experience in teaching women and couples to achieve or avoid a pregnancy. She is the Area Administrator for the SA branch of Billings LIFE. Lucia has been involved in presenting Christian Sexuality programs to high school students and parish groups. She has been involved in training Billings teachers through face-to-face Billings Ovulation Method® training programs and is currently tutoring and supervising trainees through the Teacher Training Correspondence Course.
Kiara Ryan
Kiara Ryan graduated from Flinders University with a Bachelor of Behavioural Science in 2008. After working as a social worker she went on to study the Creighton Model of FertilityCare in 2016. She has been working with young women and couples ever since, helping them to navigate and achieve their fertility goals.